Friday, April 26, 2019

April Update

Tessa's April News

Dear family and friends,

It is nearing May, and time to send a little update about all the things the Lord has been doing this month. Below, you will find a few highlights, pictures and prayer requests.

The picture above is the crown of thorns. Easter came late this year, but the timing was just right in my book. In the midst of paper writing and finishing my MA degree, it was restorative to simply pause. Reflect on the terrible beauty of the cross. And realize, that Christ suffered immense pain for me. That should blow me away every single day (sadly I pass my days mostly forgetting it instead).

One of the things I emphasize when I share about my ministry is that the missionary kids (MK) at BFA need to know that God sees their pain. Unacknowledged pain is one of the loneliest things to bear, and most MKs experience this loneliness. But this Easter reminded me that Christ bore unacknowledged pain for me!

A friend reminded me of this truth: That though we (as believers) will know pain in this word, it doesn't have to be lonely, if we remember and acknowledge that Jesus bore pain even unto the cross. He comforts us knowing full well what it means to suffer pain. What a marvelous truth!

Some highlights from this month:
  • Within a week, God raised 20% of funding, putting me at approx. 50% fully funded!
  • My papers and thesis are finished, and I graduate from seminary in 2 weeks!
  • I held an art exhibit/ministry evening to raise awareness and funds for the ministry, and people prayed over me. It was so encouraging and uplifting to see everyone there.
  • I spoke at the Northeast Association Women's Fellowship of Massachusetts on the 24th, and was encouraged by these women who care about what God is doing in the world.
As always, I pray for you and am so encouraged by your prayers for me.
May the Lord our God, who knows all our pain, bless you and keep you.

Seminary friends praying over me at my art event.
Sharing about my ministry, and how my art connects to the vision God has given me to care for these MKs.
The burning of Notre Dame shocked Europe, and I think, is a symbolism for European spirituality. Part of my vision is to reach out to the German community around me when I am at BFA, who need hope as much as the MKs do.
Prayer Answered
  • I have submitted my thesis and other papers for my MA degree!
  • I have reached 50% of full funding! Praise God!
  • The Art evening was successful, encouraging, and glorified God!
  • My carpal tunnel has almost entirely gone away!
Prayer Requests
  • That God would lay people on my heart to approach personally about joining my ministry support team.
  • That God would continue to help me prepare well for the ministry.
  • That God would raise 100% of funding by the end of June 2019.

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