Friday, March 29, 2019

March Newsletter

Tessa's March Update

Dear friends and family,

Another month has slipped by, and I am not only one month closer to graduating from Gordon Conwell, but one month closer to leaving for Germany!

A quick recap of the last month: I spoke at several churches, both in New England and Virginia, and spent an entire week in Lynchburg
reconnecting with friends and family, and sharing about my ministry.

My prayer for the week in Lynchburg, and indeed, this entire time of finishing school and support raising is that God would let this time be fruitful.

I love that word "fruitful", because it makes me conscious that God is in charge, and that it is HE who decides what kind of fruit my ministry and support raising will bear. I am praying for financial fruit, to allow me to go to Germany, but I am also praying for fruit in people's lives as they learn more about God through my ministry. I am praying for fruit in the lives of the Third Culture Kids in Germany, and I am praying for fruit in my own life, as I learn to rely on God more and more, and finish my time here at seminary. I like this word: fruitful. I think it encompasses so much of what God has in store for us.

A quick update on my thesis writing: I have one more month left to complete and polish off my thesis on the novel by Richard Adams, Watership Down. I am writing about ways in which this book could be used to teach Third Culture Kids not only literature, but also address some of the deeper developmental issues they experience by drawing them closer to God, through Adams' imaginative story. I am almost finished writing my first draft, but need to work hard on making the draft cohesive and polished.

Some last minute information:
  • Below you will find a photo of my presentation at my home church in Virginia.
  • The painting above is a recent one reminding me, during this slow budding of New England spring, of God's mercy that winter-seasons do not last forever, and that spring, without failing, comes.
  • I have also included prayer updates at the bottom of this email. Thank you for your continued prayer!

Thank you again for your support, your interest and your prayers for my ministry! I am so excited to be able to share this adventure God is taking me on with all of you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Prayer Updates:

Please join me in prayer!
  1. Praise God that I am 30% fully funded! Please join me in prayer that God will continue to provide the remaining 70% by June 2019!
  2. For continued energy and wisdom as I balance support raising, finishing my Masters, and part time work.
  3. For my future students at BFA. May God prepare their hearts for me, and mine for them. May God be present to them as a loving father, as they live away from their own families.
  4. For God, who is Lord of time to stretch the last few months to let me finish all the things I still need to finish, before moving to Germany.
  5. As I have been typing a lot to try to finish my MA work, my carpal tunnel has been aggravated. Please pray for healing.

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