Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January Newsletter

Visiting my parents, living in France, for Christmas. We went to a restaurant that served food local to the area (Lille). My two brothers (Noah on the left, Luke on the right) were able to be home this year too!

Dear family and friends,
Greetings from the Dusseldorf Airport in Germany!
I have spent the last two weeks in France, and then Germany, where I celebrated Christmas and New Years with my family. I am sitting in the airport cafe, waiting for my flight to London, and then to Boston.

As many of you know, I have been accepted by the mission agency TeachBeyond and will be sent to the Black Forest Academy (BFA) in August to work with Missionary Kids and other Third Culture Kids. As I am sitting here, I'm struck by the fact that the next time I return to Europe, it will be to work at BFA!!

I am flying back to Boston to complete my last semester of my graduate degree, as well as continue fundraising. I am excited for what this new semester holds, the new connections I will make, and the old friendships and relationships I will strengthen. God continues to surprise me with His grace and humor, as He leads me towards this next chapter of my life. I would have NEVER guessed that He would lead me into full time ministry, but I wouldn't want it any other way now.

As always, I am so grateful for your prayers, and hope I can connect with all of you in person soon as well.

Many blessings on this new year for you.

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