Sunday, June 30, 2019

June Update

Tessa’s June News

Great is God’s faithfulness! I am excited to announce that the Lord has provided 90% of funding and I have requested permission from mymission agency to buy my ticket to Germany! This means that I will be there in time for teacher training and to welcome the new students when they arrive!! Praise the Lord!

Staff Training

140 missionaries gathered in Wheaton, IL for two weeks to participate in TeachBeyond’s new staff training at Wheaton, IL. Most of us will be serving missionary kids and families in schools around the world, such as my upcoming ministry at Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Germany, and some of us in local schools in restricted access countries.

I wanted to share with you all what I learned about TeachBeyond’s tagline. It goes: “Transformational Education Services” (see the logo at the bottom of the email). The organization believes that transformation can only come through the work of the Holy Spirit, and that the tool the Lord has equipped us to use in this organization is education, emphasizing that all we do is done as a service: First, to the Lord, our God, and second, to the children and families we work with. The desire is to help those we work with discover who God intended for them to be.


As I was thinking about the way God brings transformation in our lives, I envisioned a beautiful lantern sparkling in the night: God is calling me to bea lantern in Germany, letting His light shine out to those around me. I drew the picture at the beginning of the email to remind myself that I am a vessel for the Lord, and it is He who will bring transformation.

As always, I am so grateful for you, thank you for your support and prayers. I am keeping you in my prayers as well, and would love to hear specific requests if you would like to share. Just email me!

Many blessings and much love,
Want to know more about what I’ll be doing at the BFA and what the ministry impact is? Listen to Katrina’s story, a teacher at BFA, who like me was an MK in Austria. 


Numerous valuable nuggets of information were shared at TeachBeyond’s training, and numerous connections with people around the globe were formed. Below are several pictures describing some of the lessons and experiences I took with me when leaving training. 

One of the best things about driving to TeachBeyond staff training (VA to IL), was getting to stop along the way to visit friends (in Hartville, Cincinnati and Wheaton) and strengthen these relationships. 

We discussed how important it is to have a systematic approach to track all the information you need to remember on the field. If you don’t, you just end up like me: Lot’s of ideas and details in my head, and nowhere to put them!

These are my teammates, just before we were commissioned at a special service into the TeachBeyond missionary family. It was valuable to be able to start building relationships with these people before actually getting to Germany. 


  • I have reached 90% of funding and am in the process of booking my ticket to fly to Germany!! I hope to leave July 15th. 
  • The Lord has been so faithful throughout the past two weeks affirming that “Surely I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27). It has been humbling (in a good way), to realize that there are times when I have really doubted God’s goodness...He has patiently been teaching me to trust Him. 
  • Last newsletter I shared that I was struggling with a positive attitude about having to go to staff training. Thank you for your prayers! I really felt a change of heart towards the end of the week, and left training with gratitude in my heart. 


  • Jordan, pictured in the middle of the photo above, is also going to BFA as a teacher. She is only at the beginning of her fundraising, and I would love if you would lift her up in prayer. She and I would like to live together in Germany, and so please pray that she will be fully funded in time to start the school year (August). 
  • Please pray for the Lord to provide a good apartment in Kandern. I have found temporary housing for the first two months, which will give me a good base to look for my own place. Please pray for the Lord to provide the right apartment. I have been learning from others who have been at BFA that there is a housing shortage in Kandern. 
  • Please pray for the remaining 10% to come in, so that I will be able to leave for the field fully funded. This will allow me to do the ministry God has called me to, to the fullest. 

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